Stop by & see us at AHRMA 2004 National Roadraces!
Daryl Foster has clinched 1st Place in Sportsman 350
on the new TTR custom built racebike!
Results from Pueblo Motorsports Park, Colorado on August 21 & 22
3rd Place Saturday on my Honda and the Superbike transmission locked up
hurling me 15 feet in the air. I landed on my back on the racetrack,
resulting in several broken ribs, cracked collarbone, dislocated shoulder,
broken toes, and intense muscle soreness. Had to spend the night in the
hospital due to lung complications. Going back to the track Sunday
afternoon made me feel better just to see all of our AHRMA family.
Their help is appreciated so much more than words can describe.
Anthony Starros received 2nd Place Saturday and 1st Place Sunday,
bringing him to a tie for 5th Place with Mitch Smith in Lightweight Production!
Results from Thunderhill, Willows, CA on August 14 & 15
3rd Place both days on the Honda and 5th & 4th Place on my Superbike.
We recruited a new AHRMA member and TTR teammate, Anthony Starros!
Anthony graduated rider school on Friday, raced Saturday in the
Lightweight Production Class on a TTR tuned CB350, and passed
on the last lap to receive 1st Place! Go Anthony! Sunday's race
was not finished due to new rider brainfade as he pulled into the
pits with the choke on!
Results from Grattan Raceway, Michigan on June 19 & 20
5th Place both days on my 350 and 4th Place both days on my Superbike.
We were at Willow Springs on 5&6 June for daytime roadracing and
Saturday NIGHT Dirt Track Racing!
Everything was fresh and new for Willow Springs!
Results from Willow Springs, Rosamond, CA on June 5 & 6 were 6th Place
Saturday on my Honda, and 4th Place on the Superbike; Sunday on the Honda was
4th Place and 5th Place on my Suzuki.
Results from Sandia, NM on Sat 1 May were 7th on my Honda, 5th on the Superbike.
The track was so tight that the Superbike kept popping out of 2nd gear.
Both bikes were having minor transmission problems.
Decided to take my freshly updated Triumph 500 to the dirt track on Sunday 2 May.
BACK FROM FLORIDA!!! At Daytona International Speedway on 1&2 March
I received 9th both days on my Superbike due to ignition malfunction and
the motor locked up on Sunday when I lost a rod, nearly landing on my head!
I kept the bike upright and ended up out in the grass watching the rest of the race!
I received 7th & 12th on my Honda, still having problems with the gas tank
and trying to race without 3rd gear. Ended up the cases were cracked.
At Florida Motorsports Park in Jennings, FL
on 26 February during the 1st Round of roadracing I received 11th :(
on my Honda due to gas tank problems and received 5th on my Superbike.
2003 Roadracing Season's Over!!!
I finished 2nd Place in Vintage Heavyweight Superbike and 8th in 350 Sportsman.
Congratulations to Steve Brown, winning another National Championship
on his 350 Sportsman machine!
Congratulations to Dennis Parrish, NEW National Champion on his Superbike!
Billy Addington finished 3rd on his #119 Superbike!
Twenty bikes overall in this class 2003 versus 2002 which had eight overall.
This is an increase of 60% in entries for this new and growing class.
On 27&28 September, I was at Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingham, Alabama
I received 3rd places both days on my Superbike.
My Sportsman bike had to stay in California due to space restrictions!
On August 16&17, at Putnam Park, Indiana,
I received two first places on my Superbike.
Finishes on my Sportsman bike were 4th Saturday & 3rd Sunday.
At Grattan on June 21&22, I received two second places on my Superbike.
On my 350 bike, I changed my gas tank and had petcock problems,
finishing 9th Saturday, and better Sunday with 5th place.
On April 26-27 we were at Spring Mountain Motorsports Park, Pahrump, NV
I received 3rd Saturday and due to mechanical problems, 4th Sunday on my Suzuki
I received 4th place Saturday and hole shot the start with a flat tire
but didn't finish the race on Sunday on my 350 Sportsman bike
On April 19-20 at Sandia Motor Speedway, Albuquerque, NM
I received 2nd Saturday and 3rd Sunday on my 1977 Suzuki Vintage Heavyweight Superbike
I received 6th Saturday and 7th Sunday on my 1959 Triumph in Classic 60's
On 29&30 March at Firebird International Raceway in Chandler, AZ, I received a 2nd place Saturday
& 2nd place Sunday on my 1977 Suzuki GS750 in the Vintage Heavyweight Superbike race!
I received 3rd place Saturday and 4th place Sunday in the 350 Sportsman race
on my 1973 Honda.
At Jennings, FL and Daytona , I received 5th place at both racetracks
on my 1977 Suzuki. In the 350 Sportsman race I received 10th place
at Jennings, FL and at Daytona I received 12th place on my 1971 Honda.
This was the first time my bikes finished the race at the Daytona track!
- 2002 Roadracing Season's Over! -
Click here to see some pictures of my
Congratulations to Steve Brown, National Champ in 350 Sportsman for 2001!
Congratulations also go to CRAIG BRECKON - National Roadrace Champ in 350GP and 200GP,
and National Dirt Track Champ for 500 Classic
Congratulations to Andrew Cowell who is National Champ in 500 Sportsman,
with Tim Stancill finishing in 2nd Place,
Brid Caveney finishing 3rd Place for the 2001 Season
Dave Fulkerson is NATIONAL 2001 CHAMPION in the Formula 250 Class!
(for official results, visit Event Results page)
Check Out Daytona 2008 AHRMA Pics and other great info at AMA's Web Site
and AHRMA West Coast Dirt Track Races
I finished 1st Place in the Regional Dirt Track Series for 600 Sportsman Novice with Dave Cheney in 2nd!
AHRMA Membership Drive!
In an effort to increase the association's ranks, AHRMA is always
looking for new members! Why not Join AHRMA!
New Superbike class added for 2002, bikes from 1972-1980 eligible. See below.
Remember, AHRMA is a great association for vintage enthusiasts as well as competitors.
There is but one way to get Vintage Views, by being an AHRMA member.
As a membership bonus, you get to meet some of the greatest motorcycle enthusiasts in the world.
In addition, you get to compete with legends like Jeff Smith, Dick Mann, Gary Nixon, Brad Lackey,
Al Knapp, Jay Springsteen, and many more. Learn more About AHRMA
JOIN Now! Go To AHRMA Membership Form
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They've saved the day -- more than once!
Contact Information:
Gary E. Swan
Toad Town Racing
Southern California, San Fernando Valley
(818) 891-0330 or E-MAIL
(818) 675-5625 Cell, If No Answer - Please send a text
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